Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Migraine Headaches Without Aspirin

Migraine headaches can be debilitating. They are by far the most severe headaches you can have. A migraine often starts with light sensitivity and is sometimes accompanied by nausea or vomiting. The severe headache will begin shortly after these symptoms have started. Over the counter medications such as aspirin may do little to help ease the pain. Natural migraine remedies can effectively relieve the severe pain without the side effects of drugs.
As soon as you feel the first symptoms of a migraine attack, drink a caffeinated beverage. While caffeine has been thought to trigger a migraine, once it starts the caffeine will actually help by opening up constricted blood vessels. Make sure you drink plenty water for the duration of the headache. Even mild dehydration can worsen headache symptoms.
A warm shower or bath may help at the onset of the symptoms. If you are not able to take a shower, try putting a cool compress on your head. Sit quietly in a darkened room. This will help ease light or noise sensitivity as well as nausea. A face massage can ease the headache pain and stimulate blood circulation. A warm foot soak is also good for blood circulation.
Some herbal remedies are known to prevent or ease a migraine headache. Dried herbs can be used to make teas or tinctures. Herbal extracts are potent and need to be diluted before use. Capsules come in many herbal combinations and are readily available at most natural or health food stores.
Feverfew - Feverfew contains substances that inhibit the release of mood hormones in the brain. For best results, use fresh feverfew. When this is not available, consume as tea or in capsule form.
Bay - There have been some doctors who recommend taking feverfew with bay to prevent a migraine headache. You can often find a combination of these herbs at most health food stores.
Ginger - Ginger has long been known to relieve and prevent headaches. It is an anti-inflammatory and has substances that help reduce pain. Take in capsule form, according to directions.
Peppermint - Taken internally or used externally, peppermint can help to relieve a migraine headache. To take internally, drink peppermint tea. To use externally, mix several drops of peppermint oil with lotion or body oil and massage into the temples.
In order to prevent a migraine, you need to identify what causes it. Many foods can trigger an attack. These include cheese, chocolate, wheat and caffeine. If you indulge in one of these foods and experience a migraine attack 24 hours later, the food is most likely a migraine trigger. Other triggers include stress, changes in sleeping patterns, hormonal changes and changes in altitude.
Natural migraine remedies can help reduce the length and severity of a migraine headache. Not all natural migraine cures work for everyone, so try various remedies until you find the ones that work best for you. Finally, learn to control the triggers to avoid getting a migraine.

10 Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache

Headaches are common pains that anyone can suffer. They can be caused by many factors such as stress, working for extended hours in front of the computer to injury and migraines which may be triggered by allergies such as food. Whatever the cause may be, the fact remains that having a headache is very uncomfortable and may keep you from performing to your full potentials. One need not suffer so much because of it, especially if the problem is constant and may keep you from being productive. Headaches may come in different forms usually depending on the cause. So most definitely, before you could opt for any ways to get rid of your headache, you must know first what is causing it. The following are simple ways to get rid of headaches:
1. Maintain good posture and do some stretching. Poor posture while working can cause what are known as tension headaches. Staying in such a position for a very long time may cause the muscles of the neck and shoulders to tighten up. One way to get rid of this headache is to maintain a good posture while working. Every now and then or if you feel tension pains setting in, do some stretching to get rid of the headache before it gets worse.
2. Application of moist heat through a hot compress is also a good way to get rid of headaches. Get a towel and soak it in warm water and apply it on areas where you find pain and tension to rid your body of the discomfort.
3. In women, a common problem is headache that comes days before their period. This is usually felt as a pain directly behind the eyes. To get rid of this headache, women must eat foods that are rich in zinc, especially those that come from lean proteins such as lean meats.
4. Relax. The most common cause of headache is stress. Develop a healthy lifestyle which allows you to get enough sleep and rest. If you feel a huge headache coming in because of stress, get rid of this headache by taking a break from work and catching on some sleep.
5. Get a massage. Tension headaches, especially ones that come with pain that radiates through the neck and shoulders are extremely uncomfortable. A way to get of this headache is by getting some massage, especially on the scalp, neck and shoulder areas to release all the tension that have build up there.
6. Eat regularly. Do not skip meals because hunger and meal- skipping can also cause headaches. If you feel a headache about to start and you haven't had anything to eat, take a break and grab a bite to prevent that headache from progressing further.
7. Drink lots of water. As much as possible, stick to the eight-glasses a day recommended amount of daily water intake. Water cools down the body and so when you feel a major headache, drink up to get rid of it.
8. Ice. Ice is known to be effective in relieving different types of pains, headaches included. So another option to get rid of your headache if to use ice. Lie down and have an ice pack placed on the areas where you feel pain and tension such as behind your neck, temples or forehead.
9. Kill the pain with pain killers. There are many over-the counter analgesics that are known to work for many forms of headaches. However, it is still best to consult a doctor first before choosing a pain reliever to get rid of your headache most especially if the problem persists for a very long time. It is best to work out with your doctor first what is truly causing the pain.
10. Watch what you eat. Some headaches are triggered by food. This is most especially true for migraine sufferers. So if you feel that your headache was prompted by something that you ate, stop eating that food and consult your doctor to determine whether this is truly the source of your headache.
Having a headache is an uncomfortable experience. It keeps you from performing your task and is counter-productive. Headaches have many causes and so to successfully get rid of that headache, it is best to try to figure out first what is causing it in the first place. Lifestyle still plays a major role in determining whether you headache problem is just temporary or will pester you for a very long time.